Charles Baudelaire on Eugene Delacroix is the main acchivement of his art criticism. He composed poems to comment Eugene Delacroix's paintings, thus acchieved Zenith task in taking poetry as subjective and impressionistic criticism shch as Les Phares and Le Tasse en prison. In Salon de 1846, he comments Eugene Delacroix's paintings along with his points on Romanticism and Colourism. By that time he proposed philosophical concepts of 'A Priority I and Universality and suggested Eugene Delacroix's originality, his final and most attractive quality-tragic trait (cette mélancolie sinqulière et opiniâtre) and judged this trait acchive his grand. In section three of Exposition universelle 1855, Beaux-arts, he enphasized Eugene Delacroix's expression of female beauty, on colourism he cited directly his own lines in Les Phares and mentioned Weber's romantic music that initiate the harmony of his colours. In Salon de 18S9, he proposed theory of Imagination and the speciality of Eugene Delacroix. And in L'oeuvre et 10vie d' Eugene Delacroix he paied his omage to Eugene Delacroix's genius and thus destinated his position in tradition of the arts.This paper is to treate one of the sublets of my projets ”On Charles Baudelaire and Modern Theatre Aesthetics”, the key points here are on the metaphysical foundation of Charles Baudelaire's Arts Criticism. On this subjects, one can not escape to touch the key points of Charles Baudelaire's modernity that let us discuss later. Here we would like to concentrate on ontological subjects of his theory of criticism such as his theory of correspondances between perceptions and the originality of genius, and the university of passions and that of knowledge. He concluded that ”great passions and plus unusual will power, that is Delacroix.” in L'oeuvre et la vie d' Eugene Delacroix and thus expressed his respect to Eugene Delacroix's genius and destinated his position in tradition of the arts.