For stirring historical values, the formation of a national pilgrimage must be connected with historical event. In his famous Gettysburg Address (1863), Abraham Lincoln had successfully touched the deepest chord of all and made the Gettysburg Awakening for embracing value of equality in America. While cross-culture identity being established by historic preservation, the cultural landscape and historical re-enactment could remind people of the memory so as to appeal for internal unity. The conflict between developers and preservationists was serious due to commercial potentiality. The incident of Gettysburg National Tower made administrators expand boundaries of the park to avoid development by business consortium and take an over frozen- preservation policy which arouses inconvenience of local residents as feeling like living in an isolated island town and heads the natural landscape towards a deadlock for historic preservation reason. For preserving Gettysburg battlefield, another major force is the grassroots efforts from historic preservation
nonprofit corporations or civil groups that help facilitate and maintain the prosperity of Gettysburg with more flexibility and creativity. When the new Museum and Visitor Center opened to the public in 2008, it truly symbolized a new stage for Gettysburgs cultural tourism. Thus, key to successful historic preservation depends on cooperative efforts from the government, private sector and the public. If the competent authorities deal with the issues of strengthening internationalization and deepening localization at the same time, it could probably be a way for breaking through the plight of its historic preservation as well as bringing the effectiveness of sustainable development.