泰北那伽(Naga)造形研究的重要性呈現於兩方面:一、那伽是泰國佛教 藝術的重要視野之一,顯見於佛寺雕塑和建築裝飾中,其在佛寺中出現的位置與 造形各有寓意,但相關研究不多。二、泰北佛寺那伽造形有其獨特性,故泰北那 伽造形有研究價值。佛寺是佛教藝術重要的觀察地點,清邁從西元13世紀時就成 為蘭那王國首都,擁有許多重要佛寺,因此,清邁市佛寺的調查成果,對瞭解蘭 那文化而言,有一定的代表性。本文以田野調查方式記錄清邁市34座佛寺的那伽 造形,研究發現,泰北那伽造形特色主要是來自與蘭那文化的連結,在主題、造 形和紋樣設計上,都呈現在地特色。
The importance of Naga plastic arts has two aspects: (a) In terms of the research value, Naga is an important design element in Buddhist temples in Thailand. It is particularly seen in architectural decoration and sculptures, yet little research has been done on Naga; (b) Naga plastic arts of Northern Thailand also have local characteristics. Buddhist temples are important places for observing Buddhist art. Chiang Mai was the capital of the Lanna Kingdom from the 13th century, so the city has many important Buddhist temples. In other words, the Buddhist temples in Chiang Mai are representative of Lanna culture. This study involved field research, recording Naga plastic arts in 34 Buddhist temples of the Mueang Chiang Mai District. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the characteristics of Naga plastic arts in Northern Thailand. The results of this research show that Naga plastic arts of Northern Thailand were influenced by Lanna culture, as revealed by their motifs, shapes, patterns, etc.