初代信徒安息日在教會所唱的詩歌,與平日在家裡吟唱的詩歌是合一的。教會詩歌從中世紀以來,逐漸劃分為受限於音樂專業素養門檻與否的詩班獻詩與會眾詩歌,以致於中世紀宗教改革家們,對於逐漸與會眾隔閡加劇的禮拜音樂,也做了根本上的反思。德語區對「宗教改革500 週年」的看法分歧,在2017 年德國以馬丁路德「95 條論綱」為主軸的紀念活動已告尾聲之際,2019 年瑞士宗教改革家「們」的紀念活動才正要開始。瑞士把「宗教改革500 週年」紀念活動,從2009 年的「加爾文500 歲生日紀念」起算,延伸到2034 年「慈運理500 歲生日紀念」為止,作為「宗教改革500 週年」紀念活動的起訖點。由兩位德國作曲家於2015 年以宗教改革家為題材,分別譜寫的流行音樂神劇《路德》與神祕劇《慈運理檔案》,在2017 年德國的馬丁路德紀念年,與2019 年「瑞士宗教改革500 週年」的慈運理紀念意義上,佔了舉足輕重的地位。當代娛樂音樂與嚴肅音樂實例中,流行音樂神劇《路德》將娛樂音樂曲目帶入信徒日常生活,而神祕劇《慈運理檔案》則在嚴肅信徒禮拜場域的聖殿中上演。本文將探討的是,這兩齣劇如何「跨」越了時間與空間的「界」線,模糊了上千年來宗教音樂「在家」與「在教會」的藩籬。
The early Christian sang the same hymns on Sundays in church and weekdays at home. Since the Middle Ages, church hymns had gradually been divided into professional choir and congregation's song. Therefore, medieval reformers had fundamental reflection on the phenomenon. There are different views on the "500th Anniversary of the Reformation" in German-speaking areas. At the end of the commemoration of the "Ninety-five Theses" of Martin Luther in Germany in 2017, the commemoration of the Swiss reformers is just about to start in 2019. The observance of "500th anniversary of the Reformation" in Switzerland, began from 2009 to commemorate the 500th birthday of John Calvin, and extending to 2034 for 500th birthday commemoration for Huldrych Zwingli. In 2015, the two German composers wrote the pop-oratorio ''Luther'' and the mystery play "Die Akte Zwingli". They accounted for a pivotal position in the 2017 of Martin Luther Memorial Year in Germany, and in 2019 of the "500th anniversary of the Reformation in Switzerland" for Huldrych Zwingli. In contemporary entertaining music and serious music, the pop-oratorio ''Luther'' brings entertaining music into Christian's daily life, while the mystery play "Die Akte Zwingli" performs in church. This article will explore how these two do cross-cutting in time and space, blurring thousands of years' division of religious music "at home" and "in church".