法蘭克.史帖拉(Frank Stella,1936-)之藝術風格
姓名:Kevin Hsieh
於1959年以黑色線條畫成名的美國藝術家法蘭克.史帖拉特有的視覺效果與藝術概念影響美國現代與後現代藝壇。本研究擬就史帖拉的藝術發展與其作品風格之分析作探討。以期達到研究目的,本研究採用歷史研究法、風格造型研究法與藝術社會學的統合研究法。 史帖拉的藝術風格大致可區分為四期:學生時期(模仿與抽象表現時期)-1954~1958;早期(成形畫布時期)-1959~1970;中期(半立體浮雕式繪畫時期)-1971~1987與近期(大型立體作品)-1987~。他作品的複雜多元性,和畢卡索的立體派、新古典主義……等創作方向正好相反,他的製作不只是深刻的內在實踐,也是巨量的外在能量消耗,他常自述其作品是「物理性強過視覺性」,作品永遠在其強力的緊湊控制之下完稿。史帖拉這種堅決的,滿不在乎的物質主義,將藝術的定義與界限推向更模糊的範疇。雖其各期的作品風格與特色迥然不同,其創作理念確實十分近似。於評析其藝術風格之後,本研究亦提出幾點評價。
In 1959, Frank Stella who was famous for black-stripe paintings in the world of American Art influenced the creation of modern and post-modern painter, and the visual experience and artistic attitude of art commentator by his specific style and characteristics of art. This research intends to deeply discuss the development of Frank Stella's art works and the analysis of his product's style. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, this research will be proceed in the way of combining the analysis of history, style model, and art sociology.The artistic style of Frank Stella can be divided into four periods, and the appellation and characteristics of each period are listed as below: Period of student (period of imitation and Abstract Expressionism) - 1954~1958; Early period (period of shaped-canvas) - 1959~1970; Middle period (period of half 3-Dembossment painting) - 1971~1987, and the Recent period (huge three-D creation) - 1987~.Looking at his four periods of works, his complicated diversification is contrary to the Cubism of Pablo Picasso or Minimalism. His creation is not only impressive inner practice, but also the massive outer consumption of energy. He often describes his works as ”physics is stronger than visual”, and his works are always finished under the powerful and tight control. Although the extreme diverse styles of his works of art, the concepts behind the creations are very similar. The firm and careless materialism of Frank Stella is pushing art beyond its boundaries. After analysis his art styles, this study provides conclusions.