外文姓名:Chen, Mei-hsin
在藝術風格涵蓋之眾多層面裡,恩斯特.漢斯.貢布里希( Ernst Hans Gombrich)對“藝術風格轉變”,此問題特別關切,而其闡釋觀點是異於以往的藝術史學者。本文旨在透過貢氏的相關著作來解析他對於風格轉變所作的詮釋,進而指出其見解是極具時代意義。全文共分為四節。第一節透過說明本文的主旨,並以比較方法指出貢布里希的風格轉變觀之特殊。第二節分析轉變的方式和“轉變”此舉的意涵,其中涉及風格徵候、風格症狀、藝術史分期與藝術運動等概念。第三節說明技術創新與社會競賽如何影響風格轉變,並道出藝術風格之真正承轉關鍵在於個人態度、價值觀、判斷力與抉擇。第四節則重現貢氏論點的軸心理念,並提醒藝術工作者勿讓風格轉變成為“自由的幻象”。
Among the multiple aspects, which artistic styles include, E. H. Gombrich particularly concerns himself with the question of the ”change of artistic style”, and his viewpoint on the matter differs from the art historians of the past. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the interpretation made by Gombrich about the change of style using his related works, and to indicate that his thinking is all meaningful in the actual epoch.The article consists of four sections. Section I reveals the purpose of the paper, and shows by way of comparison the singularity of Gombrich's thought in question. Section II analyzes the forms of the change and the meaning of the ”act of change” itself, which involves the concepts of stylistic symptoms, stylistic syndromes, the periods in art history and the artistic movements. Section III explains how technological improvement and social game influence the stylistic change, while denoting that the real crux of the continuance or change in style resides in the inner attitude of the person, his hierarchy of values, judgment and decision. The last section summarizes the essential ideas discussed in the former sections and reminds workers in the field of art not to allow the change of style to become the ”Spectre of Freedom”.