對於法門寺出土茶器的研究,若只依照《茶經》的內容相對應比較,將有過度聯想、對號入座的盲點,故可試圖配合考古現場,還原各器物放置位置,以及與周邊器物之間的關係,將更能確切掌握茶器的性質。 法門寺之金銀茶器的特點包括:一為華麗風格,材質方面多屬銀器,紋飾以鎏金處理,彰顯華麗特色;二為尊貴風格,器物金屬之重量極高,除銘文標示重量外,並旁及製造地、匠人、監造者、使臣等內容,這些內容與飲茶文化的內涵無關,僅顯示器物的工藝與尊貴地位,因此,法門寺出土之茶器反映著宮廷皇室藉著飲茶,使用華麗茶器,彰顯尊貴地位的風尚,此一風尚與陸羽所提倡的「雅樸」飲茶風格迥然不同。然而,法門寺之金銀茶器的形式美表現在色彩、造型、紋飾等方面最突出。
Studies that rely on the Classic of Tea alone to examine the tea vessels excavated from the Famen Temple risk the danger of imaginative association and over interpretation. Such studies must also take into consideration the excavation location and relationships of different objects on the archeological sites. Only then can one be sure about the nature of tea vessels. The characteristics of the gold and silver tea vessels from the Famen Temple are its flamboyant style and its royal quality. Most of these vessels are silver with gilded decoration, crafted with much flamboyance. Moreover, these vessels are generally heavy, with inscription describing its weight, location of production, artisan, supervisor, and commissioner. These information are not related to tea culture but are elements that glorify the craftsmanship and majesty of the vessels. This fashion was very different from the humble style promoted by Lu Yu in his Classic of Tea. The greatest achievement of gold and silver tea vessels of Famen Temple lies in their formal beauty in terms of color, form, and decorative patterns.