泰國皮帕特prphar樂團的靈魂一泰式木琴ranat ek
由打擊與管樂器所組成皮帕特樂團(pzph at ensemble) ,是泰國傳統音樂中最具代表性的樂團合奏,樂團中所使用泰式木琴(ranat ek) ,除演奏主要旋律外,亦扮演著領導整個樂團、掌控整個樂曲速度變換之重要角色。本文將透過泰式木琴的型制、發展、演奏方式和技巧,以及其在樂團中地位與功能等層面,對泰式木琴作深入分析及研究,並探討該樂器在皮帕特樂團中的音樂風格、語法與即興之要素。
Pi philt is not only a kind of ensemble in the classical music of Thailand ,but also feature wind and percussion instruments. Thai-xylophone raniit ek of ensemble ,besides performing main melody ,plays the important role of leading eritire p 'pihiit ensemble ,and controlling whole transformation of tempo. This article will make thorough analysis and research via the raniit ek 's system ,development ,performance and skill ,as well as status and function of the ensemble. Itwill discuss this instrument's music style,the patterns and essential factors of improvisation inp 'pihilt ensemble.