隨著博物館轉向以人爲主的經營方針,博物館觀眾硏究成爲專業領域的重要趨 勢。有鑑於臺灣的觀眾硏究正持續進展,但過去多爲量化、整合性的硏究,缺乏針 對不同群體的深度探詢。本硏究設定以大學生爲硏究對象,採取質化深度訪談方式 取得資料,試圖整合以認同爲基礎的博物館學觀眾硏究架構、觀光領域硏究獲益基 礎管理(BBM)對遊客特質的分析,行銷管理領域對服務品質評估等三個向度的取 徑,共同建構出理解大學生博物館經驗的硏究方法。依據Falk (2008)的五種博物館觀眾類型,臺灣大學生觀眾類型分布以「設施 利用者」最多,占了 43.48% ;其次爲「經驗找尋者」,34.78%。第三爲「探索者」, 占17.39%。專業嗜好者占了 4.35%。缺乏所謂的心靈朝聖者。第一種「設施利用者」 對博物館學習與教育功能的需求強度最低。再以觀光領域獲益基礎管理對遊客硏究 分類來看,所謂「無心的觀眾」較關切博物館經驗的休閒娛樂面向;其他四類屬於 「有心的觀眾」,依其分類類型可以區分出對博物館知識學習不同強度的需求,以此 架構來討論不同主體在博物館經驗中的受益感受。最後本硏究建議,依據臺灣大學 生觀眾現況’將此五種觀眾類型重新調整爲三類’分別爲「知識探索者」(explorer)、 「休閒與社交行動者」(leisure and social actor)與「機能性使用者」(functionalist) 三類。
Pakalungay is the lowest but the most basic group in the organization of Amis tribe. For the people who have the traditional cultural age set experiences in the past, are very different from now. When the economical and educational surroundings have been changed, villagers move out for their own lives. Besides them, the missionary work of Catholic and Christian also reduce the inclination to the affairs of the tribe.The beginning of the cultural revitalization movements in Atolan was the 'Pakalungay educational camp' which is combined with traditional and modern methods to educate the children in the tribe. During the time when they get together, children have chances to learn their culture and make them treasure it more than before. This situation not only attributes the higher identify to the tribe and culture but recalls more villagers back to join the cultural affairs.The purpose of this essay is trying to understand what situation do Amis people face to and how do they react. The four youth age organizations (Malikuda'ay) will be the most important issue to observe by the interactive activities between them. In addition, the sexual problems are very different from the old days. Female (especially the younger one) was not allowed to join the age organization but own the similar rights today. Besides it, the effects after cooperation from tribe and the outside is mentioned to discuss. Above all phenomena are new experiences of Amis youth people in Atolan nowaday.