本研究以框架理論分析《夢想家》的爭議性事件,如何透過媒體建構來影響民眾的認知。在分析《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》及《蘋果日報》等四報在事件爭議近三個月中的報導內容後發現,原為藝文本質的《夢想家》事件,媒體卻以「衍生政治議題」框架及「連結社會現象」框架來建構它,究其因,此事件發生恰逢2012 年大選期間,兩黨政治人物均將議題升高作為選舉交鋒的主題。在消息來源的引述上,民進黨人士遠多於其他,成為主要的議題建構者及主導者,事件主角文建會及表演工作坊反而在媒體上的發言較少,使得媒體論述傾斜。最後,本研究亦提供藝文領域公共關係實務中議題建構與管理的省思。
"This research explored how media constructed a controversial art event. By
using frame analysis, this study analyzed the coverage of Dreamers the Musical of four main newspapers in Taiwan. The results indicate the political and social frames are mostly used in newspapers to report the issue about Dreamers Musicals. Even if the nature of this issue is about art and culture, it became political because it happened during the time for the presidential election. It became a big issue for presidential candidates to attack each other. This research also noticed that DPP
appeared to be the majority of people who criticized. Their opinions turned out to be the main sources for the four newspapers analyzed in this study. However, Councilfor Cultural Affairs that was in charge of this project and the organizer of the musical Performance Workshop presented less opinions than DPP. Therefore, the media obviously failed to present balanced arguments from both sides. This study provides comments on constructions of cultural issues and management existing in public relationship."