日本與韓國,是在UNESCO 國際公約登場前極少數已經提出「無形文化遺產」概念與國內保護制度的國家,對公約的形成有一定的影響。兩者法源相近,但卻發展出差異甚大的行政機制。為探討無形文化遺產制度的形成與運作之社會性,本文從比較研究立場梳理日韓 國家制度成立的背景與過程進行分析,特別著重制度建構同時期的知識與社會背景。 透過歷史與社會脈絡的梳理,本文將指出,日本與韓國無形文化遺產制度的成立與運作, 與民俗學知識、社會背景關係密切,是知識、社會與文化財身分之象徵意涵相互磨合、共構的結果。日本發展出「無形文化財」、「民俗文化財」兩個文化財體系,前者以藝術與歷史價值為上,後者以歷史與學術價值為上,然而無形的民俗活動之所以進入文化財制度,與社會對文化財身分的意義與附加價值的詮索有關。相對地,韓國將傳統藝術與民俗整合為「無形文化財」單一體系,與其民俗學知識以及對國家治理的寄望有關。韓國寄託無形文化財制 度創造民族文化的象徵,因此典範性形式比真實的文化重要。時代氛圍對民俗學論述也不無 影響,重構歷史真實性的信念,成為韓國的民俗學者深度參與的基礎。
It is rarely that before the UNESCO (the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) adopted the International Convention (the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage), Japan and Korea have already proposed on the concept of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the national protection regulations, which have certainly influence on the formation of the Convention. Japan and Korea have similar the sources of law, but have developed quite different administrative systems. For exploring about the generation and social operation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, this research analyzes and compares with the background and process about the establishment of their national systems, especially focusing on the knowledge and social background at the same period of this system construction. By means of reorganizing the context of history and society, this research will point out the establishment and operation of the national protection regulations of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Japan and Korea which are closely with the knowledge of the folklore and social background; meanwhile are the result from the knowledge, society and the culture asset of the symbolic meanings running, adjusting and co-constructing mutually. Japan has formulated the two protecting systems about the Intangible Cultural Asset and the Folk Cultural Asset which the former accentuate that artistry and history while the latter historical and scholarly. It is, nevertheless, that intangible folk activities to enter the system of the culture asset, which is related with the society treating the meaning and the added value of the identification of the cultural asset. In contrast, Korea has integrated the traditional art and folklore into a single system of the Intangible Cultural Asset, in the meantime it is also associated to its folklore knowledge and its expectation on the social influence of construction of the cultural asset. Korea supposed the Intangible Cultural Asset system to create a symbol of the national culture, therefore the representative form is more important than the actual culture. The atmosphere of the times still has affected on the folklore and the belief of reconstructing the historical authenticity becomes the basis of the deep involvement of the Korean folklore scholars.