南管音樂至少在十七世紀已流行於閩南地區;隨著閩南地區移民輾轉傳至臺灣,臺灣南管音樂流傳,至少也有兩百多年歷史。錄音技術尚未發明前,人類僅能從文獻史料瞭解音樂的發展,但隨著十九世紀末錄音技術的發明,二十世紀初,臺灣唱片音響技術的引進,臺灣終於可以藉著早期的有聲資料,瞭解到最近一百年來的南管音樂唱腔的變遷。隨著時代遞嬗更迭,科技的迅速發展,從78 轉或33 1/3 轉的留聲曲盤(唱片),一直到現在的錄音帶、CD、MD、MP3 等等,回顧唱片的發展史,唱片因工業產業而發展,唱片公司視其為純粹的娛樂商品而出版,而現在這些有聲資料,則成為最客觀音樂研究史料。雖然目前留存的有聲資料,可能只是當時的少部份聲音記錄,但對於音樂研究工作者,卻是回顧早年音樂文化,唯一能夠原音重現、聽得見的聲音。老的錄音資料,因技術未成熟,音質相對地較差,但它所具的歷史價值卻是無法評比。畢竟可藉由它聽見已經消失的傳統,如許多年長者想要聽聽舊時的聲音,重溫舊夢;學者更可以藉由有聲資料的今昔比對,發現傳統的持續或變遷現象。本文以南管音樂聆賞出發,從筆者所能掌握的有聲資料,勾勒南管唱片出版與南管音樂發展脈絡,希望有助於讀者掌握臺灣南管音樂的發展與賞析。
Nankuan music has been prevalent in Minnan area as early as the seventeenth century, and was brought to Taiwan by immigrants more than two-hundred years ago. Thanks to the introduction of recording technology to Taiwan in the beginning of the twentieth century, people nowadays could learn the development of vocal styles of Taiwan's Nankuan music of the past hunderd years, not only from literature, but also from these historical sound recordings.With the progression of technologies, sound recordings of Nankuan music range from 78rpm and 33 1/3rpm (turntable), cassettes, CDs, MD, to MP3 and more. Recording companies might have pressed them for entertainment or commercial purposes, and merely a small amount of recordings were preserved, but they have become the only available audible early music sources for music scholars, which are the most objective documentations available now.Although historical recordings have poor quality due to immature technology, they have incomparable historical values. These recordings have let us hear a disappearing tradition, let our elders dream about the wonderful old days, and proofed to scholars whether the tradition has been changed.To help readers understand the development of Nankuan music in Taiwan and access to this music genre, this article begins with a review of the Nankuan recordings, followed by the thread of developments of both Nankuan recording publications and the Nankuan music performances in Taiwan.