Yueqin (J. gekkin, moon lute), a short-necked Chinese folk lute with a round-shaped resonator, was brought to Japan in the nineteenth century along with shingaku, a folk music genre from Southeastern coastal China. Since its arrival, the moon-lute had become popular among the Japanese literati and middle class families. Learning the moon-lute was seen to be as important as learning Chinese poems, calligraphy, painting, and Chinese culture, which were markers of a prestigious Sinicized middle-class. The moon-lute became an emblem of Japanese literati in the Meiji era. However, why did Japanese literati, the dominant group of shingaku practitioners, select the moon-lute rather than the qin, a Chinese literati instrument? Since they selected the moon-lute, a musical instrument originally for common people in China, how did they create and impose a new meaning on it to legitimatize it and in the meanwhile, affirm their status? When a musical instrument moves to a new land, the original social and cultural contexts it carries will mingle with new social contexts and identity. This paper examines the adaptation of the Chinese moon-lute in Japan. It discusses why and how the beauty and shape of the moon-lute was symbolically transformed into a new cultural metaphor for the literati. It is clear that exoticism might have had played an important role in the reception of the moon-lute as a new cultural ‘other’; nonetheless, by analyzing the prologues, poems, and paintings in various shingaku printed scores, I argue that the procedures of relocating the moon-lute and shingaku in nineteenth century Japan, including appropriation and legitimization, had constructed a new marker to differentiate ‘self’ from ‘other’, in which various perspectives, such as exoticism, metaphor, and identity, were embodied in the moon-lute in order to maintain a new status for the exotic ‘other’ and reconfirm the literati’s Japaneseness.