外文姓名:Chen, Chia-li
近代學者認為全球化及電子網路之影響,已經大大的改變人們對時間及空間的經驗。紀登斯 (Giddens) 認為隨著現代化的結果,傳統以地方為基礎的空間感已經漸漸消失了。而柯斯特 (Castells) 也指出,隨著網路之日漸普及,流動空間成為人們日常生活中所經常體驗的一種空間形式,而後現代學者哈維 (Harvey) 更稱這種人們可以在瞬間穿梭在不同之時空這樣的經驗為時空壓縮經驗 (time-space compression)。 然而,正如柯斯特所提出的,相對於全球化國際交流頻繁、世界各地的文化似乎逐漸呈現普同之時,如何透過地方文化的型塑,以與其它文化區別,成為各地區民眾建構其文化認同的重要方式。在這樣的脈絡之下,地方博物館的建立,成為抵抗全球化及民眾建構其文化認同的重要場域。而臺灣過去十多年來,地方博物館蓬勃發展,許多都是利用老舊建築物再生利用改建而成的。在全球化後現代的時空下,這些地方博物館為臺灣的民眾提供了怎樣的時空經驗?本文擬就全球化後現代時空情境下,引述學者對全球化及博物館時空觀念的討論為架構,分析不同種類博物館的時空結構,並討論臺灣近年來以老舊歷史建築改建之地方博物館,如何以其特殊的時間與空間,影響觀眾參觀之經驗。
Researchers believe that people's experience of time and space has changed greatly under the influences of globalization and digitalization. Following modernization, Giddens thinks that the traditional sense of place is disappearing. Castells also points out that the popularization of internet technology has brought people another sense of space, the flow space, into our daily lives. Harvey even describes that the experiences of people's shifting between different times and spaces as time-space compression. As Castells points out, the more similar cultures of the different parts of the world become, the more important it is to construct people's cultural identities by shaping local cultures. In this context, the establishment of local museums becomes one of important sites to resist globalization and construct people's cultural identities. In the past decade, the number of local museums grows rapidly in Taiwan, and many of them are housed in historical buildings. In the context of globalization, what kinds of time and space do visitors experience in local museums? This paper intends to apply theories and concepts of globalization and museum experience to explore the temporal and spatial structures of different types of museums, and discusses what particular experiences visitors have at the museums housed in renovated historical buildings in Taiwan.