一般鼓吹樂的「鼓、吹、銅器」的樂器編成中,鼓相當於指揮,吹(泛指吹奏類樂器)演奏旋律;而銅器,指銅製樂器,以鑼、鈸為主,其多樣化的節奏與音響色彩變化,在鼓的領奏下與吹類樂器發揮相輔相成之效。北管牌子的銅器包括鑼和鈔(鈸),均為節奏打擊樂器,以大、小和平面鑼、凸鑼的配合,產生豐富的音色變化;甘美朗的銅器部分除鑼(單個與成列的套鑼)與鈸類外,另有銅鍵式樂器。其中套鑼與銅鍵樂器均依音階調音,演奏旋律,因此旋律打擊樂器是它的特色。由於銅器與主旋律,以及銅器彼此之間的節奏對應關係不同,合奏的結果,音響與氣氛大不相同,呈現出個別樂種的風格。北管的銅器中,鑼與大鑼的節奏混合規則與不規則的運用,配合大鈔與小鈔的變化,與響盞(小鑼)的裝飾性色彩,顯得多采多姿;中爪哇甘美朗各式鑼的運用沉穩而有規則,充滿秩序感;巴里島安克隆甘美朗的小鈸群(cengceng rincik),強化鼓的節奏,渲染熱鬧的氣氛,與中爪哇的沉穩內斂大異其趣。
Generally, in the instrumentation of "drums, wind instruments, and metal percussion" in Ku-chhue, the function of the drums equals a conductor. The wind instrument play the melody. The metal percussion (mainly gongs and cymbals), under the drums' leadership, interacts with the winds, with its various rhythm and tone color. The metal percussion in Pak-kuan p?i-chi includes gongs and chhaus (cymbals), both of which are rhythmic percussions. It, along with large gongs, small gongs, flat gongs, and bossed gongs, can produce various, abundant tone colors. The metal percussion in gamelan, besides gongs (single bronze gongs and gongs laid-in-a-row), also includes metallophones. Gongs laid in-a-row and metallophones are tuned and play the melody. Thus the feature of gamelan lays on the metal percussion's pitch-plus-percussion function. Due to the different relationship between metal percussion vs. the main melody, and the different relationship among the various metal percussions themselves, the ensemble can produce different acoustics and atmosphere. Therefore, each different style shows up. Among the metal percussion in Pak-kuan pai-chi, the rhythm of "ro" (flat gong) and "ta-ro" (bossed gong) combines regular and irregular uses. These gongs, along with the rhythmic variation by large and small cymbals, and small gongs' decorative tone color, show a lot of variety. In Javanese gamelan, each gong with its stability, shows a sense of order, while the cymbals (cengceng rincik) in Balinese gamelan angklung emphasize the drums' rhythm; thus a sense of excitement takes place, which is quite different from the stability of Javanese gamelan.